Best Horror, 2015

51i1kXkqTSL._SX330_BO1,204,203,200_I need to be better about tooting horns, especially when they are my own! Every year, Ellen Datlow puts together the Best Horror of the Year anthology, and every year, she publishes her long list of stories that she loved. You can read part one here and part two here!

Four of mine are on that list this year:

“And After the Fire, a Still Small Voice,” Sword and Mythos.

“Migratory Patterns of Underground Birds,” Clarkesworld 92

“Pithing Needle,” Clarkesworld 97

“We As One, Trailing Embers,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies #147.

You can read three of them online, and you can buy the fourth, because Sword & Mythos is a splendid collection!

Seven Shimmer stories were also mentioned, so I’m rather pleased the whole way ’round. Thanks, Ellen. (Some day I’m gonna be IN that book! :D)