2014, In Review

It’s somewhat ridiculous that the very idea of this post is making me melancholy around the edges. 2014 has been a strange year. Apparently I wrote about the end of the world a lot — but sometimes the end isn’t always the end. Here’s what I published:

Original Short Stories:

Once, Upon a Lime, Strange Horizons: The frog knows.
Oubliette, Interzone #255:
Some ghosts don’t rest easily.
Pithing Needle, Clarkesworld:
The truth like a needle in your brain.
Honey in the Lion, Betwixt #5: Not everything dies in an apocalypse.
The Cumulative Effects of Light Over Time, Upgraded: Unable to stop the fall, she learns to love the dark.
Going Among Mad People, Penumbra (September): Midnight tea parties in the chimney.
A Box, a Pocket, a Spaceman, Lightspeed (August): Blue boxes don’t solve anything.
Kalopsia, Fractured: Tales of the Canadian Post-Apocalypse: The end of the world contains elephants and rubber ducks.
Chasmata, Interzone #253 (July/August)
: We never quite expect, or remember, the sacrifices asked of us.
The World Resolute, Strange Horizons (July): Time is a circle, someone once said.
We, As One, Trailing Embers, Beneath Ceaseless Skies: Conjoined twins live a tug-of-war life, one enduring what the other requires.
Migratory Patterns of Underground Birds, Clarkesworld: The end of her world is only the beginning.
And After the Fire, a Still Small Voice, Sword & Mythos:
She will walk through the fire.
Inland Territory, Stray Italian Greyhound, Vignettes from the End of the World:
A small dog and a smaller bird, at the end of the world.
Falling From Earth to Haphazard Sky (Tadpole Remix), DSF:
Sometimes you have to go away, so that you can come back.

Original Novelette:

Green-eyed Monsters in the Valley of Sky, an Opera, The Mammoth Book of Steampunk Adventures: She’s smaller than a breath, yet larger than the world.


Rings of Anubis: A Folley & Mallory Adventure (#1): At the turn of the century, archaeologist Eleanor Folley seeks the truth of her mother’s disappearance with a shady organization in it for their own reasons. One reader says, “It reminded me a little bit of Elizabeth Peters’ Amelia Peabody books but with airships and Egyptian gods.” Oh, my heart! (This book is not, alas, Hugo-eligible as it was published in two digital volumes in 2013.)

Watermark: A young kelpie is sent to the human world as a form of punishment, but when she discovers there’s more at hand (afoot?!) than first realized, she will hold the destiny of two worlds in her inexperienced hands. One reader says, “With any luck Watermark will be a gateway back to the magical places in your life.” !!


Stray Outside the Lines, essay, Lightspeed,  Women Destroy Science Fiction


Issues 19, 20, 21, and 22 of Shimmer Magazine


Of all these things, what did I like best? It’s so hard to say. “Falling From Earth to Haphazard Sky (Tadpole Remix),” “Migratory Patterns of Underground Birds,” “A Box, a Pocket, a Spaceman,” all of these are strangely dear to me, and vaguely related if you look at them as a whole; people trying to make their way through worlds they should understand, yet do not. How like their author.
