
2021 Books

I don’t like lists. And yet, here’s a list! Every month, people are making lists: the best albums in the universe, the best movies that make you forget you’re at home at not the actual theater, the best rocks found on an inspirational year-long walking journey through neighborhoods on the moon, the best books that […]

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2018 Loves

Ahhh, it's that time of year when the book or story you poured your heart into isn't on anyone's favorites list, wheeee! It's the most wonderful time of the year! I've read less this year so far, but that was intentional, given I had a book of my own to write (and did, thank you […]

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What You Love

(Well first, holy shit, this WordPress editor is all new -- I'm playing around with Gutenberg to see how it works, so we'll see. Hey, drop caps. Midway in: well Gutenberg won't let me even make a link, so that's not the function we're looking for, WordPress.) They tell you to write what you love. […]

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Multipass Saw Her Standing There

A few years back, this blog had a feature called Multipass, which ran on Mondays. It was widely read and acclaimed (ha no) and had adorable post titles based on song lyrics and here we are again! Today, four things make a multipass. Over the holiday weekend, I put Fellowship of the Ring into the […]

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They're good reads, Brent

I use Goodreads a lot -- at least as a reader. As a writer, I try to make sure my stuff is listed, and beyond that I try not to fuss, because reviews are ultimately not for writers, they're for other readers. One thing I lovehate about Goodreads is the yearly reading "challenge." You can […]

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2017 Books

I read a lot, but this year I deliberately read less, because at some point in 2016, I felt like reading had become an obligation. When you're writer and an editor, I suppose it happens. Reading is actually part of your work, and I think I'd forgotten how to read for pleasure. So in 2017, […]

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The Kraken Sea Giveaway

You found it washed up on the shell-shore and weren't sure what it was, not even when you slid your hand under its surprising warmth and it curled around your wrist. Among the hollow shells, it alone was flush with life. Last week, The Kraken Sea (Apex Book Company) burst into the world, and this […]

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My Genre

The more I write and the more I read, the more it seems I gravitate toward the genre of Historical Ladies Kicking Butt. Eleanor Folley, whose third adventure arrives next week, certainly fits into that category. The loss of her mother as a child spurred her toward a life that ended up mirroring her mother's […]

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December Books

It was not a specific resolution to write about the books I was reading throughout the year -- but I kept up with it the entire year, so hooray me! In December, I've been a little attention-challenged when it comes to books -- no fault of the books. Just me trying to do too much […]

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November Books

I kind of hit a wall at the end of October, where I wanted to slow down -- so much writing! So much reading! I wanted a big, slow (for me) read, something I could sink into and stay with for a while. Turns out, Hild by Nicola Griffith is that book. It's beautifully written, […]

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