digital womb

digital womb

When Assassin's Creed Origins was announced, I was pretty excited. A game set in ancient Egypt? With a setting where you can just explore and not worry about Romans or gods trying to kill you? A game where you can wander around and pet cats, and scritch your pet falcon under the chin? ACO provides […]

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digital womb

We are not taught how to age gracefully. Our culture tells us what has value: beauty, youth, health. Here's how to mask your wrinkles. Here's how to hide your gray hair. Never matter that wrinkles come from a body in motion. Never mind that hair losing its color is wholly natural -- and happens to […]

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digital womb
The Well, Actually

I first met Anne Lamott in the 90s, via her book Bird by Bird. Someone told my mom about the book and she said she wanted to get it for me, because it was about writing. We gleefully crossed paths with the hardcover (in a bookstore! gasp!) some weeks later, and brought a copy home. […]

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digital womb
Not Always Graceful

Goodbyes aren't always graceful. You can't always plan for them. Sometimes we know. Sometimes they come out of left field and sock you in the face like a baseball. If you haven't seen Infinity War, you may want to skip this entry. I have no idea what I'm going to say, but suspect a spoiler […]

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The Year That Was

I have not written as much as I hoped this year (so say we all), but I did start work on a project that promises to be terrifying and horrible, so that is exciting and ahhhh writing. Dear god, it's that time of year again, awards awards awards awards awards awards-- Here's what I published […]

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digital womb
Upright Infinity

Many of my story ideas come from random conversations with the muse. (By this time, perhaps you know I call him that ironically, or perhaps you don't. Now you do.) In one such conversation, he said "whatever happened to the Ripleys?" And while further conversation revealed he meant the kick-ass girls who go out into […]

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digital womb
Unfollows Are Free

They say to keep writing. Keep writing, they say! I couldn't write today, not until right now, as I'm putting these words down. Will I press "publish"? It's a very good question. Today, I made a post on Facebook where I asked those who voted for DJT to unfollow me. (I dislike FB a great […]

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digital womb
Rage Against the Machine

I've been home from Launchpad Astronomy Workshop for more than a month now (!) and I keep meaning to write about the experience, but I keep not doing it. The world has been a little overwhelming since I got back and there's been a book release and short stories aplenty-- and let's face it, 2016 […]

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