When Assassin’s Creed Origins was announced, I was pretty excited. A game set in ancient Egypt? With a setting where you can just explore and not worry about Romans or gods trying to kill you? A game where you can wander around and pet cats, and scritch your pet falcon under the chin? ACO provides […]
ArcheAge is my first MMO, which strikes me as very strange, but it’s true! A friend talked it up enough that I was eager to check it out, and the early verdict is “I’m addicted, but!” We’re not going to debate paying players versus F2P (I’m F2P right now, fyi); we’re not going to debate […]
She’s Kick-Ass With Her Pick-Axe
I have played Tomb Raider since its debut and initially planned on skipping the 2013 release when talk of a rape scene arose. Having played Lara since 1996, I had no desire to see her raped if I failed in my game play. Rape isn’t a game. But then the game was on sale, and […]