2017 Books
I read a lot, but this year I deliberately read less, because at some point in 2016, I felt like reading had become an obligation. When you’re writer and an editor, I suppose it happens. Reading is actually part of your work, and I think I’d forgotten how to read for pleasure. So in 2017, […]
September Books
I seem to have gotten my fall months backwards, reading about ghosts and vampires in September, rather than October. But somehow, we’ll manage — we read some good things this month, I’m happy to say. I started with Lost Angeles by Lisa Mantchev and A.L. Purol. This was an odd reading experience, in that I […]
tbt ponders kidlit
The other night, Beth asked me what I read when I was ten or eleven ish, and I had this instant image of my room back then: twin bed, chaotic floor (lava!), Raggedy Ann and Andy sheets and curtains, pale yellow walls. Me, sprawled on the bed, legs propped on the wall while I read. […]
Under Mountains in the Moon
I haven’t been able to read Sunny Moraine’s new story, “It Is Healing, It Is Never Whole” in Apex yet. This upsets me, because I typically dig Sunny’s work. Last night, I stood shivering after coming out of the pool. Water sluiced off goose-bumped legs even after I wrapped my towel around me. It’s cold […]
August Books
Every birthday, I treat myself to a stack of books. I find it amusing that people often have trouble gifting me with things, because there are so many books I don’t yet possess. When in doubt, a book is an absolute joy. When I saw Archivist Wasp by Nicole Kornher-Stace publish this past spring, I […]
July Books
Sometimes, you cross paths with books that are so marvelous, you want to inhale them whole and at the same time, you don’t want to actually finish them. Such was the case with The House of Shattered Wings, from Aliette de Bodard. When Netgalley sent me an early copy, I knew I had to read […]
June Books
What I read in June could probably be collected under the genre Girls Going On Adventures. I didn’t plan it that way, it just happened. I wanted to read lighter books, books that seemed to have a sense of fun. Good job, self! And what a great theme for summer, really. Who doesn’t want a […]
May Books
May’s books are related to February’s books, in that I didn’t connect with a lot of what I read. The month started off right with Alien, the novelization of the movie by Alan Dean Foster. Some part of my brain thinks I read this a million years ago, but so much of the book was […]
February Books
Hey, look! It’s another month and another look at some things I read! Astounding! February was largely hit or miss for me — the plan was to read a bunch of kissing books, but when the first one I found made me roll my eyes across the room, I kind of stumbled (being eyeless and […]
January Books
Reading, he says, is always this: there is a thing that is there, a thing made of writing, a solid, material object, which cannot be changed, and through this thing we measure ourselves against something else that is not present, something else that belongs to the immaterial, invisible world, because it can only be thought, […]