silver & steam

The Last Dance

You deserve something lovely. This is your sign-up thread to win GOLD & GLASS, my steampunk-fantasy-historical-romance mashup extravaganza! You want SILVER & STEAM, too? Okay, fine! Leave a comment! It's just that easy peasy! I will draw using this Friday, December 27! Midnight EST? Midnight EST! Here's an excerpt to wet yer whistle. You […]

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gold & glass
Reviews, Giveaways, the Sky on Fire

In high school, I took a wilderness survival course. I don't remember what in the world made me sign up for it - I am genuinely at a loss when I think back, because me, in the wilderness? There are no cases where this would be A Happening. And yet, it was! The course turned […]

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Silver & Steam, An Excerpt!

What a mess our heroine Eleanor Folley finds herself in. Wherever shall book two take her? To places she never quite imagined. Here's a taste for you, Dear Reader. Rings of Anubis: Silver & Steam approaches and with it, Anubis! It was late, but Eleanor was not sleeping. She couldn’t. She rarely had trouble sleeping […]

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