
2022 In Review

2022 was the year I didn’t expect. It was the year I lost most use of my left hand, and the year I sold to a market I’d been aiming at for twenty-two years ("Remembered Salt" will appear in F&SF next year). In 2022, I published: Becomes the Color, Three-Lobed Burning Eye, ed. Andrew Fuller […]

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2019, a smol

Now that I have officially lost a World Fantasy Award, it appears time to post eligibility information for next year's awards, and-- It really is an endless circle, isn't it? Didn't we just do this? 2019 has been an interesting year. It has been the least successful in my "career" when it comes to sales. […]

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Near as I can tell, I wrote two things in 2018, which is an all-time low for me. I wrote "Kill Your Darlings (Silicone Sister Remix)" (out now in Do Not Go Quietly) and The Ebon Jackal, the last Folley & Mallory book (also out now). Last week, I finished a novella. I wrote it […]

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Walking Through It

Resolutions? Nah. Goals? Yes. Begin as you mean to go on, and go on as you began. It's solid advice, right, but starting can be tricky as heck. 2019 is very much a blank slate for me. I'm starting over in so many ways, and it's exciting, but also terrifying, because who knows what's over […]

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What You Love

(Well first, holy shit, this WordPress editor is all new -- I'm playing around with Gutenberg to see how it works, so we'll see. Hey, drop caps. Midway in: well Gutenberg won't let me even make a link, so that's not the function we're looking for, WordPress.) They tell you to write what you love. […]

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Dear Amazon

Dear Amazon, Yesterday, you told me that Rings of Anubis could be had for $4! Well that's deal, I thought, and I went to look at the page, thinking I would advertise the sale to my five readers. Only, when I got to the page, I saw the book was no longer part of Prime, […]

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folley & mallory

Two weeks ago, I slipped down the stairs -- because who doesn't love doing that, really -- and bruised my tailbone. The bruises have only just shown themselves, and it was kind of a relief to see them, and say "oh hey, that really did happen, and I'm not quite nine hundred and three years […]

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I used to really enjoy lifting weights. There's something comforting about it, which... I know that sounds weird. But it feels good to have moved iron around. And to look at me, you'd certainly never think oh my this lady likes going to the gym, but I used to -- until all the other weight […]

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digital womb
The Well, Actually

I first met Anne Lamott in the 90s, via her book Bird by Bird. Someone told my mom about the book and she said she wanted to get it for me, because it was about writing. We gleefully crossed paths with the hardcover (in a bookstore! gasp!) some weeks later, and brought a copy home. […]

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Say the Thing

Writing can be really weird, right? In my current WIP, I'm alternating points of view for my chapters, which means that at some points of the plot, I'm not in what I think must be the ideal POV for the moment -- and as I keep writing, I continue to discover that I'm entirely wrong, […]

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