Here & There

Dear reader, I have been engaged in that time-honored practice of ego surfing. Yes, it’s true! So, here’s a link to doings around the interwebs when it comes to RINGS OF ANUBIS.

I’m coming to learn how challenging it can be to get your books into the hands of people who will read them and talk about them. If you read a book recently and loved or hated it, leave a review. The author will thank you.

Locus Books, New books (how delightful to be mentioned here!)
Library Journal, rounds up a bunch of Masque authors
Heroes & Heartbreakers: Recommended July 2013 books
K.C. Cross, Readers Choice books
Stranger Horizons, on the Strange Horizons bloggity
Cheryl Morgan talking about Masque Books’ August releases!
A review of Silver & Steam on Amazon, sans spoilers

And in case you missed it, I did a guest post on ye old SF Signal, talking about steampunk and sci-fi (yes, I called it sci-fi!), and how one seems to blend right into the other in the cases of Star Wars, Farscape, and Firefly. And no one argued with me. Dear reader, what is up with that?

Next week, I am pondering some treasure for you, yes. Come back, for the table shall be set with shovels for digging.