NaNoWriMo, 2013 Edition
I suppose I’m a cheater.
I don’t exactly worry about my word count, I definitely don’t write every day (did not write yesterday, newp), and I usually still get the fifty thousand words by the end of the month. What does this tell us?
Heck if I know!
But here’s the best thing NaNoWriMo has taught me: consistent work is what gets you to THE END. If you are writing daily, that’s swell. If you’re writing weekly, that’s also swell. If you bank 2000 words a day or 600 words a day or 200 words a day, you are banking words, and words turn into pages, and pages get you closer to THE END. If you do 1000 words a week, it gets you closer to THE END.
I have done NaNo ten times now (holy crap!). It doesn’t matter if you hit 1666 words a day to make 50k in a month. I mean sure…it’s awfully nice to “win,” but if you are writing consistently, you are already a winner. Take your pages, winner, and ponder them, because pages are what get you to…that’s right: THE END. THE END is what makes you a winner — and sometimes it takes more than a month to get there. That’s okay, y’know.
If you don’t make it to THE END…you don’t have a book, and if you don’t have a book, you can’t foist that book upon your peers for critique, you can’t sell a book, you can’t brag upon Every Social Media Outlet that you Wrote A Thing Ohmigosh A Thing.
I did not write yesterday. I will probably write today. As of this post, I am 7k into Anubis #3. Will I finish by the end of the month? That would be nice, but if I don’t, that’s also okay. I have seven thousand words that I didn’t have six days ago and that’s excellent. This book is already throwing me curves that have improved the work as I originally envisioned it. I cannot wait to see where else it takes me.
Onward toward THE END.