If You Give a Girl a Library
If you give a girl a library,
she's going to want a library card.
When you give her a library card,
she's going to check out as many books as she can.
Then she'll want to carry them
all home on her own.
When you give a girl a library card,
she's going to go back to the library.
And back to the library
And back to the library.
When you give a girl a library card
she's going to dream about books.
When she dreams about books,
she'll start to wonder about authors.
When she wonders about authors,
she'll wonder where they come up with their ideas.
And then she'll start to get ideas all her own.
When she gets ideas all her own,
she's going to go back to the library.
And back to the library
And back to the library.
When she goes back to the library,
she's going to research All the Things.
When she researches All the Things,
she's going to fall in love with space.
When she falls in love with space,
she's going to travel everywhere.
When she travels everywhere,
she's eventually going to find Middle Earth.
When she finds Middle Earth,
she's going to learn about its creator.
And when she learns about its creator,
she's going to say
When you give a girl a library card
She's going to write a book.
And when she writes a book,
She's going to imagine where it will be shelved.
Yes. This.