Spoon Girls

The Spoon Girls

The Spoon Girls

Mostly, this is a post to show you some Highly Awesome Photographs from my family (mom’s side of the family).

My great-grandmother (Mae; second from the left, back row), and a bunch of her friends were such good friends that they each bought twelve silver spoons engraved with their names, and traded, leaving each girl with a set of silver spoons. I have these spoons now; they hang close to my writing desk.

These ladies also left a handful of fantastic photos, which I feel compelled to share with you here. It seems so rare to see ladies of this era having fun — but look. Look. They are just like us.

Ladies on a fence!

Ladies on a fence!


Like a sir!

Like a sir!




Everybody's doing a brand new dance...

Everybody’s doing a brand new dance…


Hiding out

Hiding out

Get the salts!

Get the salts!

Spoons in a pyramid

Spoons in a pyramid


One thought on “Spoon Girls

  1. A.C. Wise says:

    I love everything about these pictures!

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