’tis the damn season
Eligibility. I usually can’t type it correctly on the first go, but it sure is that time of year, so here we are looking back at what we published and begging readers to put us on their award ballots. Here we go!
Remembered Salt, F&SF, March/April 2023
2023 marked my first appearance in F&SF, with a gentle story about Baba Yaga’s house, and its yearnings. Where did she come from? Why is she running away? Why is a house a she? It was always a dream of mine to publish in F&SF, and now that it happened, it all went by so quickly…
Listening for the Drowned, Kaleidotrope, Spring 2023
This story was submitted 23 times before it found a home. It is a story of war and revolution and of how sometimes we have to sweep the table clean and start over.
Barbie Has Always Been About Storytelling, tor.com, July 2023
My nonfiction debut, if you want to call it that. Is that a thing?? I have deep Barbie roots in my life, so the idea of a live-action barbie movie fascinated me. It was as good as I hoped. I pitched the idea to tor.com and they said LET’S GO, so we went.
The Louder I Call, the Faster It Runs, Bourbon Penn #33
I wrote this story with the hopes that Clarkesworld would like it, because it was inspired by a Clarkesworld story that blew my socks off. They did not—which didn’t entirely surprise me, because when I take aim at specific markets, I never succeed. Was pleased when Bourbon Penn said this was “exquisite,” because I tend to agree…
Homewrecker, Apex Magazine #141 November 2023
Apex asked me to contribute a story for their 2023 year during their 2022 Kickstarter. I knew what I wanted to write—we all probably have some version of “The Yellow Wallpaper” creeping inside us, right—but this story grew out of that idea and took on a life of its own. It became a tale about a house that very much did not want to be renovated because it likes itself just the way it is—and the way it is is creepy.
Reprints & translations
“The Indigo Mantis” made her audio appearance in PodCastle, originally printed by The Book Smugglers. And “Lockbox” got a Russian translation at Darker, originally published in She Walks in Shadows, ed. Silvia Moreno Garcia.
The Deadlands 2023
I’m still editor in chief at Ye Olde The Deadlands, and we had a really fun year–if not financially stable. We did not meet our funding goals for 2024, so are switching to a quarterly publishing schedule. But it also means we’re going to experiment with a print edition, and that’s exciting. Are you getting Shimmer vibes?? I am. I’m eligible for Editor (Short Form) on your Hugo ballot. Our entire staff is likely eligible for STUFF (and deserving of said stuff), and The Deadlands itself is eligible for semiprozine. (Even after all these years, that word looks so weird to me, thanks.)
So I think that was 2023 from here. Fingers crossed for 2024.
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