Seven Questions with Erzebet YellowBoy

Erzebet YellowBoy is a fellow Masque Books author, but I had the pleasure of encountering her for the first time when she edited the fantastic Jabberwocky. Jabberwocky was a publication that brought many diverse, weird, and unique voices together, to craft a unusual narrative that one doesn't see enough of in the publishing world. Fortunately, […]

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Describing Ladies, a la Bradbury

It's no secret I love the stories of Ray Bradbury. I haven't read everything he's written and now that he's passed, I'm glad for that, because it means if I pace myself, I have a lot more Bradbury fiction to come. I'm in the middle of Death is a Lonely Business at present and it […]

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Lady Takes Chickens Into Space

Oh, girl. I know, it's not easy being a lady in 1899, especially when your man has debt troubles and won't commit to marrying you. Let's not talk about those sherbet-colored dresses or your inability to follow instructions and/or close doors -- you're lucky you got to drive the car! -- but let's do talk […]

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Seven Questions with Jacqueline Koyanagi

Jacqueline Koyanagi is an author I became aware of because we both sold books to Masque. So I thought, how better to get to know her than to check out her science-fiction debut, ASCENSION, and ask her a few questions about the writing of it. I just started reading Ascension this past weekend and it's […]

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gold & glass
Reviews, Giveaways, the Sky on Fire

In high school, I took a wilderness survival course. I don't remember what in the world made me sign up for it - I am genuinely at a loss when I think back, because me, in the wilderness? There are no cases where this would be A Happening. And yet, it was! The course turned […]

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From Hell

Dear Boss, You know what your mailbox is missing? A kidney, preserved in spirits of wine. Okay, you're going to have to bring your own wine (or ethanol), but I'll bring the kidney and a book, eh? I am down on whores and I shant quit ripping them till I do get buckled. Jack the […]

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Silver & Steam, An Excerpt!

What a mess our heroine Eleanor Folley finds herself in. Wherever shall book two take her? To places she never quite imagined. Here's a taste for you, Dear Reader. Rings of Anubis: Silver & Steam approaches and with it, Anubis! It was late, but Eleanor was not sleeping. She couldn’t. She rarely had trouble sleeping […]

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gold & glass
How Do I Book?

Reading didn't used to be complicated, and it's probably still not when you get right down to it, but! I talked to my father over the weekend and while he was excited about the release of Gold & Glass into the wild, he couldn't figure out how to get a copy, because it doesn't exist […]

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gold & glass
Older, No More Wise

Over the weekend, I got a little older than I'd been before (no more wise, however). Fortunately it happens over the course of a year and not entirely overnight. It was, by all accounts, an amazing weekend. My life overflows with a lot of outstanding people who don't know any limit to their generosity - […]

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You say it's your birthday?

It's my birthday, too! We're gonna have a good time.

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