
The Last Leia

Leia was dead: to begin with. I feel like that’s where Episode IX begins, because how can it not? I came out of The Last Jedi wondering how on earth they meant to go on, without Carrie Fisher, without giving us the Leia film that so clearly should be Episode IX. If you haven’t seen […]

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The Year That Was

I have not written as much as I hoped this year (so say we all), but I did start work on a project that promises to be terrifying and horrible, so that is exciting and ahhhh writing. Dear god, it’s that time of year again, awards awards awards awards awards awards– Here’s what I published […]

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Ice Ice Baby

2016 was hard. And 2017, well. WELL. I feel like we all need a little extra fun now and then, right? We need to be able to put the real world on pause, while we explore the depths of a world that isn’t poised to lose so much of what it has built up these […]

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The Princess

“We’re going to play war. You stay here, and wait to be rescued.” “We’re going to play monsters — you stay here and wait to be rescued.” “Stay here until we come with the army to save you.” “You can’t have a gun, you’re a girl.” “You don’t get a uniform, you’re not in the […]

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Octoblerfest 2016

There is a ridiculous tradition on Twitter where, upon the arrival of Halloween month, nearly everyone changes their name to something spooky. Last year I realized my name had some built in awesome when it came to the month of October. How easy to make that Octobler, and thus another ridiculous tradition was born! This […]

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My Genre

The more I write and the more I read, the more it seems I gravitate toward the genre of Historical Ladies Kicking Butt. Eleanor Folley, whose third adventure arrives next week, certainly fits into that category. The loss of her mother as a child spurred her toward a life that ended up mirroring her mother’s […]

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This absolutely contains some spoilers for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. If you haven’t seen it, you probably want to abandon ship. In things that will surprise no one, I really loved Rey. Based on early trailers and still photos, I suspected I would, but yes, I super-adore her. What may surprise you is this: […]

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No Fairy Tales

Fair warning: this contains spoilers for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. If you haven’t seen the film, you read at your own risk. She was a princess, but this was never a fairy tale. She was a princess, but she was always something more than that. A rebel, a revolutionary, a senator who dared to […]

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Dear Mr. Abrams

Dear Mr. Abrams, I’ve followed your work for a long time now — Alias most especially, but I even remember Forever Young (and my mom loved Felicity) — but am not sure I know you well enough to call you J.J. In any case, I was excited when I heard you’d be heading up the […]

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When It Changes

While I looked up to book heroines like Alice and Dorothy, the first heroine to steal my breath on the screen was Princess Leia. Strong, capable, no nonsense. One of these things is not like the other. And for the first time it hits you. You wonder who put Leia in that get up. Because […]

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