Reviews, Giveaways, the Sky on Fire

In high school, I took a wilderness survival course. I don’t remember what in the world made me sign up for it – I am genuinely at a loss when I think back, because me, in the wilderness? There are no cases where this would be A Happening. And yet, it was!

The course turned out to be fascinating and our reward at the end was to be driven into the mountains and left for three days. We would camp and cross-country ski, and survive if we had learned our lessons well enough. Did we?! Dear Reader, everyone survived, please exhale.

Sleeping in a tent with two other people was not the best thing, neither was squatting in the freezing woods or attempting to keep all clothing dry because there was So Much Snow. But there were so many amazing things – chief among them was the sky at night.

One night, we went for a ski; this was probably our second night there, the path familiar to us and astoundingly bright under the starlight. Having grown up in cities, this kind of darkness and light was completely new to me. At one point, we popped our skis off and stretched out on the trail, and just watched the universe above our heads.

This morning, I went out early to experience some of the Perseid Meteor Showers, and Reader, it was also amazing. Even with the city light, all that fire raining down.


This week, we’ve got two giveaways at this here blog. One is for Silver & Steam, the second book in my Rings of Anubis series. The other is for two copies of Tales of Jack the Ripper, which contains my story “Once November.” (I’m batting after Laird Barron? I’m not nervous about that. At All.)

The Silver & Steam giveaway concludes tomorrow (midnight EST seems easiest). Enter that one by clicking HERE and leaving a comment.

Jack wraps up on August the 15th – leave me a letter from Hell HERE! Surely you’d like some kidneys in your mail…


RT Book Reviews has kind things to say about RINGS OF ANUBIS (4 stars):

Tobler’s world-building in the first two parts of her debut is a unique, enlightening blend of steampunk and paranormal and the romance is heated yet maintains the virtues of the Victorian era. The characters’ roles are played perfectly, Virgil and Eleanor are the definite standouts. The narrative brings the mechanical wonders of steampunk and the picturesque views of France and Egypt alive. Fans of the Griffith’s Vampire Empire series will appreciate this novel.


I know terrible people, which means I know wonderful people. They expose me to things I wouldn’t otherwise discover, such as Alpine’s Heartlove. Alpine somehow led me to The Grates’ Turn Me On, which led to Like You Could Have It All. Watch that video. Right after you enter my giveaways.